Installation of strong and weak current terminals

1. Wire line slotting:

After discussing the electricity function and requirements with the owner, the construction director shall make a disclosure with the electrician, and slot the parallel and vertical lines. Put the switch box at the bottom. The sockets are slotted 40 cm above the ground, the hanging air conditioner socket is 2.2 m above the ground, and the switch is 1.2-1.4 m above the ground. The bottom closing installation of switch socket shall be slotted with horizontal line. The kitchen and bathroom room shall be slotted according to the design function.

2. Wire circuit wiring:

Material requirements, copper core wire of more than 2.5-6 square meters, and wire pipe of more than 16 mm. Wiring requirements: most electricians in the circuit wiring, did not consider the strong current and weak current, switch, air conditioning socket and electrical socket separate wiring.

So slotting also saves a lot of working procedures. Strong current and weak current are required to be 30 cm apart from each other at the lowest limit. Air conditioning sockets are dedicated to wire groups of more than 6 square meters, electrical sockets are dedicated to 4 square meters, and switches are divided into groups of more than 2.5 square meters. The air conditioning line group is more than 2m away from the ground.

Ground wiring of electrical wire group, switch and lighting wire group wall top wiring. The bottom closing installation of switch socket must be horizontal and vertical, so that the rear panel installation will be more smooth. The switch socket of kitchen must be arranged and installed according to the use function of kitchen cabinet design.

After all the electric lines are arranged, the construction director shall record the layout and discharge size of the lines, so as to facilitate the installation of various household accessories

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